From the time of booking, the cancellation policies and hotel rules automatically come into effect as outlined below and will be included in your booking confirmation.
If a government organization or authority imposes travel or movement restrictions for certain periods, the cancellation policies stated in our confirmations will become void. Due to the “force majeure” situation affecting both parties, bookings can be canceled free of charge. In case of cancellation, we will issue a voucher equal to the value of the paid deposits or down payments, which can be used for any subsequent booking within one year from the date of issue.
We can only accept cancellations submitted in writing to our hotel’s email or postal address.
For guests with a foreign address or without any other payment guarantees, the hotel may request a deposit.
Rooms and other services related to booked packages can be used from 2 PM on the day of arrival until 10 AM on the day of departure. Early arrival (from 9 AM) and/or late departure (until 6 PM) is possible for an additional fee of 9,000 HUF/room per occasion. The fee for early arrival and/or late departure includes the use of the room and the wellness area, but not other services.
Finally, we inform you that in accordance with Section 213 (1) of the Civil Code, your order or room reservation submitted in writing or by email in response to our offer published online, in the press, price lists, or given by phone, is considered acceptance of our offer. The room reservation contract between the Customer and the operating company is concluded upon receipt and acceptance of the order or reservation by Belenus Thermalhotel, and the conditions of the service-provision relationship are included in this confirmation. Within 24 hours of the receipt of this confirmation by the Customer, any written complaint related to the room reservation will dissolve the room reservation contract.
The successful sending of the confirmation to the email address provided by the Customer (i.e., the email acknowledged as received by the Customer’s email server) constitutes automatic delivery of the confirmation, and any reference to an error in the email system does not exempt the Customer from the obligation to pay the cancellation fee.
The Customer is entitled to withdraw from this room reservation contract under Section 320 of the Civil Code by sending a written cancellation notice to the hotel, and by paying a cancellation fee to the Company. Withdrawal dissolves the room reservation contract. The Customer must prove the fact of the written cancellation sent to our hotel’s email or postal address.
For matters not specifically regulated here, the provisions of the Civil Code and the service provider’s General Terms and Conditions shall apply.
Nem véletlenül járunk több mint 10 éve a szállodába. Nincs olyan kérés, amit nem oldanának meg. Barátságos környezet, figyelmes személyzet, családias hangulat, kényelmes, tiszta szobák, tolongástól mentes, pihenésre, felüdülésre alkalmas wellness.
Baan IldikóJárjuk a világot Perutól Nepálig, két helyre térünk vissza rendszeresen: Belenus, és Maldiv szigetek. Jó salakos teniszpálya, verhetetlen ételek, nagyszerű vendéglátás.
S. Henriett és L. JenőWe travel the world from Peru to Nepal, but we regularly return to two places: Belenus and the Maldives. Great clay tennis court, unbeatable food, and excellent hospitality.
Henriett S. and Jenő L.Harmadszor pihentünk a Belenus Hotelben, és ismét nem csalódtunk. Nagyon kellemes, kényelmes, szép hotel. Kiváló személyzet, akik figyelnek a vendég kívánságára. Az ételek finomak és változatosak, a felszolgálók nagyon figyelmesek, gyorsak.
Szabó KálmánIt's no coincidence that we've been coming to this hotel for over 10 years. There's no request they can't fulfill. Friendly environment, attentive staff, family-like atmosphere, comfortable, clean rooms, and a relaxing, uncrowded wellness area perfect for rest and rejuvenation.
Ildikó Baan